Lost luggage can be a traveler’s nightmare. That’s why so many people are now using tracking devices, which allow them to see exactly where their suitcase is located. But there is something else you can do to help reduce the risk of your bags getting misplaced.
People magazine shared the story of one airline baggage handler who is going viral for his TikTok post sharing one key piece of advice to keep your luggage from getting lost.
He warns travelers to always remove the airline stickers after their flight. These barcode stickers tell the baggage handling computers where to send your suitcase so that it gets on the correct flight. The problem often comes when people leave these stickers on their suitcases. It seems sometimes the scanner can read an old sticker, routing your bag to the wrong flight – and sometimes the wrong airline entirely!
Travel experts also advise that you take pictures of your luggage and its contents as well as the airline bag tag. This could be crucial to filing a claim if your suitcase gets lost or damaged.
Has an airline ever lost your luggage? Message The Seniors Trust on Facebook or Twitter and let us know if you will try any of these tips on your next flight.