The Beatles sang about a Magical Mystery Tour, but now you can go on a real-life one. As Insider.com reports, many travel companies, such as Journee!, are offering mystery trips, surprising travelers with the destination of their vacation. The trips remove the hassle of planning but still leave plenty of room for spontaneity.
To book, you tell the travel company when you want to travel, what type of trip you want (relaxation, adventure, beach, Europe, etc.), your budget, and any places you don’t want to visit. The travel company will create a surprise itinerary and provide you with a packing list. It’s up to you to decide when you want to unveil your surprise destination, with many travelers opting to wait until travel day.
These mystery trips are gaining popularity because they take the work out of traveling. You don’t need to arrange flights or book hotel rooms. You don’t need to research sites and restaurants. The travel company does all the planning for you.
While mystery trips remove the hassle of logistics, they still allow room for spontaneity. No one forces you to follow the itinerary the company has created. Ultimately, as with all vacations, your trip is what you make of it.
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