Have you ever wondered why flight attendants always tell you to put your seat up for take-off and landing? It’s for your safety because take-off and landing are the most dangerous phases of flight.
Travel & Leisure talked to a former pilot who explained the science behind why you can’t recline. He explained that when the seat is in an upright position, it is locked and best able to withstand any force from a potential impact.
However, when a seat is reclined, it’s not locked into place. He said a sudden stop could cause the seat to lurch forward, “catapulting its occupant.” In addition, when the seat is reclined, acceleration can cause the seat to slam backward.
Either scenario can result in injury. This is also why airlines suggest you always keep your seat buckled during a flight.
The article also points out that it’s not just a request to secure your seat in the upright position. It’s technically a law. According to the article, part 121 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations states: “No [air carrier] may take off or land an airplane unless each passenger seat back is in the upright position.”
Do you like to recline your seat when you fly? Message The Seniors Trust on Facebook or Twitter and let us know if this information may have you thinking twice before leaning back on your next flight.