
How to Tell If You are Too Old to Travel

At what age do you need to put away your suitcase? Find out what you need to think about before booking your next trip.

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

For many retirees, traveling was one of the things they were looking forward to doing after they stopped working. There are even travel agencies and tour companies catering specifically to senior travelers. Even so, at some point you might need to put your suitcase away, permanently. How do you know when you are too old to travel?

USA Today looked into this and discovered there is no right answer. The ability to travel is affected more by your physical and mental fitness than your age. There are plenty of people in the 40s and 50s struggling with mobility and other health issues that can impact travel.

Afterall, age is just a number. The article cautions that you might need to adjust your activity level to match your current condition, but there is no reason you can’t continue to travel as you age. This might mean taking more taxi rides rather than walking or visiting more city sites, such as museums and galleries, over nature treks and other outdoor activities.

It’s also important to note that some European countries have rental car restrictions based on your age. In some places you can’t rent if you are 70 or older, so you may need to book a group tour to visit those places. Additionally, travel insurance companies can impose higher rates and tour operators can restrict certain activities depending upon your age.

Here are a few things to take into consideration when determining if you are too old to travel:

  • Medical Advice — If your doctor tells you that you are medically unfit to travel, then you should reconsider your vacation plans. Keep in mind, you might need written medical clearance for some travel destinations and tours.
  • Practicality — It might be best to skip the trip if you would be a burden on your travel companions or the tour guides. Another option is to look for a tour company that specializes in physically limited travelers, such as those confined to a wheelchair.
  • Benefits — Sometimes the benefits of the trip outweigh the inconveniences, such as one last trip across the country to see a newborn great-grandchild or revisit a family homestead. Those memories are invaluable.

Are you still traveling? Message The Seniors Trust on Facebook or Twitter and share your thoughts on age restrictions for travelers.
