The trick to traveling pain-free might just be hiding in your garage or available at the dollar store. As Travel & Leisure reports, two tennis balls and a sock are all you need to help alleviate back pain during a road trip or long flight.
The tip comes from an Instagram post by a structural kinesiologist and personal trainer. She says this trick is really quite simple – just put a couple of tennis balls into a sock and place it behind your back. It doesn’t matter where as long as it’s between the bottom of your shoulder blade and the top of the hip. You should move around as much as you can so the balls can help keep the middle of your back loose.
If you’re concerned about the validity of this hack, the article says it works because this is a form of acupressure. As Very Well Health explains, acupressure is “a practice of traditional Chinese medicine that is similar to acupuncture, except that it uses fingertip pressure instead of needles.” Acupressure has been known to help with a variety of ailments from motion sickness to insomnia and, for travelers, it seems it can help relieve muscle tension and back pain.
What do you do to help keep your back from getting stiff or sore when traveling?
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