Airplane travel can be stressful. Lengthy lines at security can compound that for many travelers, especially those needing extra assistance due to medical conditions or sensory issues. USA Today found that a little known TSA program is available and it’s designed to ease the stress at airport security.
The Transportation Security Administration introduced TSA Cares almost ten years ago. It’s for people who might need extra support getting through security, whether due to a disability, medical condition, or other circumstance. The article says to call in advance to let the agency know you need the service or register online. A passenger support specialist (a specially trained TSA agent) will meet you at security to guide you through the screening process.
TSA Cares is available at airports nationwide. It is open to passengers who believe they would benefit from extra support navigating security. It is commonly used by passengers who use a wheelchair or scooter, as well as travelers with cognitive disabilities and passengers with diabetes.
Designed to provide a better travel experience, the goal of TSA Cares is to make the traveler feel comfortable while still performing the security duties required to screen passengers. TSA Cares has received more than 18,000 requests so far this year.
Tell Us About Your Airport Experiences
Have you or a loved one ever used TSA Care services? Message The Seniors Trust on Facebook or Twitter and let us know. Please share any other tips you have on services available to seniors and others needing extra help when traveling.