During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the airport was deemed by many people to be just as dangerous as a biohazard site. Photos and videos quickly emerged of travelers dressed in disposable hazmat suits (or makeshift versions using painters’ coveralls) wheeling suitcases through the terminal. As a Forbes travel writer discovered, this travel trend did not go unnoticed by the fashion industry. Several companies are introducing lines of fashion-forward protective clothing to wear while traveling.
These designer travel collections feature antimicrobial technology in the fabric to block and reduce surface contamination, thereby helping to protect the wearer from harmful germs. Form and function are equally important when it comes to these new lines of protective fashion, with jumpsuits and separates designed to be comfortable for long flights and breathable to layer over other regular clothes. Most of the protective travel clothing also features matching face masks.
The reporter is quick to point out that none of these fashions are approved PPE, but the antimicrobial material should provide the wearer with an added level of protection when flying or simply being out in public in general. Protective travel garments should serve as a complement to standard safety precautions such as wearing a face mask, washing hands frequently, and social distancing.
What do you think? Will this be the new normal when it comes to future travel? Message The Seniors Trust on Facebook or Twitter and tell us if you would wear an antimicrobial outfit next time you fly.