If you’re a senior traveler, you may be happy to learn your adventures can have a positive effect on many aspects of your life.
Advantages of Travel for Seniors

If you’re a senior traveler, you may be happy to learn your adventures can have a positive effect on many aspects of your life.
Visiting with family is something that keeps many seniors going. Lately, it’s been difficult to do for some. But two seniors in Tampa are getting creative.
Bus travel is a great alternative to air or car travel. Here are some tips to improve your bus trip experience!
Travel is resuming and it looks like Americans are heading to similiar destinations.
SmarterTravel.com has posted “6 Savings Secrets for Senior Travelers.” Here are a few of our favorite tips: They suggest always asking if there are any senior discounts for everything you book. Often these aren’t advertised. There may or may not be any discounts, but it’s worth checking. However, SmartTravel also advises against assuming “the senior […]
Check out this great video from Sixty and Me on YouTube. They take a look at how seniors can travel with just a carry-on bag!
Getting ready for a flight? Here are some great tips for seniors while at the airport to make the experience a little more bearable.
Here’s a great travel resource for senior citizens. They’ve compiled a list of websites which are helpful for seniors planning vacations…
Do you have an upcoming vacation? Check out this awesome list of destinations for seniors and let us know what you think!
What are the best options for seniors’ travel? We take a look at the different ways seniors can get around the country or the world! Here are some of the best…